Fight, Flight or Deer under Headlights?
Looking back, this is when my Fight or Flight instincts should have kicked in. Unfortunately, it was what can only be described as a Deer un

My Webinar Experience
Truthfully, it didn’t turn out badly … but I do like to put my best foot (eh, image) forward. Reviewing the recording showed my frustrated s

Other People's Family Stories
What is particularly amazing is when a similar story is shared. I’m delighted to give evidence of this from one of my readers Anita Chant. H

The Dilemma with Selling a Story
Oh-oh! That sounds Machiavellian or cold-hearted right? But there are millions of books out there and I know this is an interesting story, a

A Canberra Wedding
What a joyous occasion! A lovely way to reaffirm life and bear witness to love. And thank heavens that the wedding was held on Saturday.