What’s the ‘New Normal’?
My husband has gone back to working at the office and so begins the resumption of what is being termed as the 'new normal' way of life. We are lucky in that we have come through the recent events unscathed albeit bemused by a global situation that touched our lives and restricted our freedom.
For others though, there have been dark times; hopefully, like the photo (above) taken facing north-west (southern hemisphere) from my back porch recently, with one of our water tanks in the foreground, the sun is setting on an era that caught us all unaware ... may similar magnificent rays of colour herald exciting and more informed times ahead of a new normal.

I am lucky in that probably for me, the most challenging of times has been the facilitation of the monthly online meetings of the Gold Coast Writers' Association. As President, I feel it is expected of me to forge ahead and find a way to still communicate with the creative community. Of course, it is lovely to have the support of the GCWA committee, but all the same, I feel a slight anxiousness before the event starts ... technology has a way of upsetting the most well-laid plans! Using a sense of humour thankfully got us through those glitches at the April online event and I want to acknowledge everyone who attended for their understanding.
So, here is to the next month. As restrictions ease and as we are allowed (!) to start meeting up with friends again—the new normal, in whatever shape or form that may take—may you stay healthy and begin to once again enjoy all that life has to offer. Auguri (all the best)! #thenewnormal
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