It’s Your Turn
When I researched the phrase, it’s your turn, the words, choice, duty and your right, come up.
Often though, it can come down to perspective. Sometimes, we have to push through, make our voice heard … make it our turn!
I’ve been in situations and, likely, you have too, where someone has dominated the conversation, and you’ve wondered when it’s your turn. Sadly, you can be wondering a long time, if you don’t find the courage to speak up.
Of course, you might think that your turn will come up, or maybe you just cannot be bothered. But here’s the thing, sometimes it’s your turn to speak and everyone’s looking at you and the words just seem to be stuck in your throat. It’s like trying to light a match but it won’t catch fire. Too many times, you’ve huddled in the background and now, it’s your turn but past behaviour is keeping you in the shadows.
It can be a scary thing speaking up or taking that first step towards the slightly challenging or ‘big’ unknown.
Now, I’m not much of a New Year’s resolution ‘type of gal’ but 2025 has a good ring to it. So, I invite you to join me when I say, ‘It’s your turn.’
It’s time for you to look ahead with a positive outlook (look at the photo and breathe deeply. I'm lucky enough to have this view every day). It’s time for you to have expectations; it’s time for you to act; it’s time for you to shine!

But what if I fail? What if I sound stupid?
Always with the negative thoughts … well, at least, that’s what my mind can counter with. Everyone has self-doubts. You can listen a thousand times to all those self-motivation speakers but in the end, they become platitudes for, if you don’t get off your butt and do something about it, it is never going to be your turn. Now is the time. Just do it.
Of course, at this point, I’m going to mention my parents; if there is any example to follow, it is theirs. What courage and determination; what chutzpah! They left all that was familiar behind and got on a ship to travel thousands of miles to the unknown.
My second book, Ciao! We’re in Africa, recounts their journey and starts out with my mother feeling sad about leaving her mother and grandmother behind. A barrage of self-doubt has hit her. But if she hadn't taken that first step, she would have missed out on so much. #positivity #Africa #Italy #itsyourturn