Reunion with Africa (on holiday) - Part 2/2
I’d forgotten about the noise of Africa. People shout; car exhausts roar - it’s a hubbub of busy-ness. Whether strolling the beaches, walkin

Reunion with Africa (on holiday) - Part 1/2
The dried-sweat smell of much handled tacky dollar notes is a familiar scent, and ironically stirred up some weirdly comforting memories. As

Seeing My Family Story in Print (Part 4 of 4)
I chose to get the manuscript professionally edited despite having lived and breathed my book for four years and being certain it had been a

An Unknown Element to the Family Story (Part 3 of 4)
Again at a crossroads on what to include and how to write it, my husband suggested alternating chapters that would reveal to readers the two

Writing the Family Story (Part 2 of 4)
Should I start at the end and come back to the beginning? Should I analyse it from a Freudian perspective making claims about why my mother

A Family Story (Part 1 of 4)
So many questions jumped out at me? How was I going to tell their story? Why was I telling their story? Where should I start and end? What s

Welcome to my new blog! Starting from the 15th of December I will share my four part blog series on how this Award-Winning publication came