The Top Stressors in Life
In the list of top stressors in life, the death of someone you know, and moving (selling) property are in the top five. In the last month, the unexpected passing of a lovely lady—Jackie Moore, part of the Gold Coast Writer's Association (GCWA) whom I have come to respect and admire over the past three years—was a shock. A beautiful person, inside and out, it seems all the more upsetting when you don’t have time to say goodbye.
Added to that, my husband and I, have decided to place our investment property in Toowoomba, Queensland, on the market. It is sad, however, to see the property sit empty, awaiting new arrivals, as the previous lessors suddenly found a place to move into; an opportunity that was too good to pass up. This was the first home we owned in Australia, and we lived there for four years—our daughters saw out their teenage years there—it was a family home ... So, some great memories were made there!

Therefore, combining these two events resulted in two top stressors in our life of late that has made for a rather emotional month. Of course, how we handle such situations can add to the challenge. Sometimes though, as much as we know that it's time to move on from the poignant yoyoing of our feelings, our subconscious hangs on, nudging us now and then, reminding us and not letting it go.
It's essential, therefore, to find a positive for every situation ... such as celebrating a life well-lived of a person who will be missed, and a beautiful home that provided a safe haven for a family to flourish.
My wish for all of us, as we head into the festive season, is that should we be faced with the top stressors in life that you can all find something good to come out of this. So, from my family to yours, may you have a bright and merry Christmas—just like in the photo of our rather gaudy but fun Christmas tree:I Migliori Auguri e Buon Natale - Best Wishes and a Happy Christmas.